The purpose of this Bible app is to
about the
. I'm also hoping that it will help you in different situations in your daily life. We need to get reminded constantly to not fall for the wicked schemes of the evil one.
Learn more about what the Bible really says about different topics in your life. Such as:
- Love
- Abortion
- Anger
- Adultery
- All things possible
- Anguish
- Antichrist
- Beauty
- Baptism
- Blessings
- Bribes
- Brokenhearted
- Charity
- Children
- Church
- Cleansing
- Clothes
- Comfort
- Compassion
- Congregation
- Courage
- Creation
- Darkness
- Deception
- Debt
- Decisions
- Depression
- Divorce
- Endurance
- Endtime
- Eternal Life
- False Prophets
- Family
- Fasting
- Fear
- Fellowship
- Forgiveness
- Freedom
- Friends
- Future
- Generosity
- Giants
- Glory
- Gospel
- Grace
- Greed
- Growing Spiritually
- Grumbling
- Healing
- Heaven
- High Priest
- Holiness
- Holy Spirit
- Honesty
- Honor
- Hurtful Words
- Husbands
- Hymns
- Hypocrisy
- Idolatry
- Idols
- Ignorance
- Impurity
- Integrity
- Joy in Heaven
- Judgement
- Law
- Leadership
- Lending
- Liberty
- Loans
- Love
- Lust
- Marriage
- Mature in Christ
- Messiah
- Mercy
- Modesty
- Moving On
- Music
- New Jerusalem
- Obedience
- Paradise
- Pastor
- Patience
- Persecution
- Philosophy
- Prayer
- Prophets
- Prosperity
- Purity
- Raising Kids
- Rapture
- Refreshing Others
- Repentance
- Relatives
- Respect
- Sabbath
- Sadness
- Salvation
- Satisfaction
- Second Death
- Serving
- Sexuality
- Shame
- Solve Problems
- Sorcery
- Sorrow
- Spirit of Truth
- Spiritual Battle
- Stay Awake
- Strength
- Sufferings
- Taxes
- Temptation
- Tradition
- Tribulation
- Vegetarian
- War
- Weakness
- Wealth
- Wisdom
- Wives
- Worship
- Theory of Evolution
+ hundreds more! NEW ones constantly added.
Get reminded with new Inspirational Bible Verses sent 3-4 times per day. Settings can be edited to not be notified about new verses. You can still use our Bible app to learn more about different topics.
Start your own ministry by sharing Bible Verses to friends.
Save your favorite Bible verses for easy access.
Bible verses from both Old and New Testament are included. New Bible verses are from King James Version.
IMPORTANT! If you find annoying ads, please go to Google and edit your preferences. Search Google for "google ad preferences" and select topics that you like. :)
God Bless You ALL and please give a review if you like the bible app! (...and a BIG Thanks to all of you who already did!)